RAM STACK-N-STOW Bait Board Side Wedge-Lock Level Cup Drink Holder RAP-395W-132U

Reapris311 SEK
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RAP-395W-132U består av RAM Mounts självnivellerande mugghållare med fäste för sidomontage på Bait Board. Den blå isolerande mjuka cylindern ingår i paketet.
Kompatibel med de flesta burkar, flaskor mm

The RAP-395W-132U consists of the RAM Level Cup Self-Leveling Drink Holder, connected to a wedge shaped base, that slides and locks on the side of RAM STACK-N-STOW Bait Boards. The drink cup holder has two pivot points, allowing for your drink to always stay upright and never spill. Koozie is included with purchase of the RAP-395W-132U. 

Compatible with any cups, cans, bottles or mugs ranging from 2.5” to 3.5” diameter.

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