MPS Tigersågblad för murverk, lecablock, is och cementbaserade skivor


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Sågbladet är till för Murverk, Lecablock, is och cementbaserade skivor.
Tänderna är gjorda av Carbide material.

There was a time when cutting metal was almost only possible with the help of cutoff grinders - associated with dust pollution, flying sparks and the risk of fire as well as massive noise pollution. A tool with 12,000 revolutions per minute that many users respect or even fear.

Fortunately, those times are long gone - today every user has the option of cutting even the toughest metals and alloys easily and conveniently with a reciprocating saw, without the negative side effects mentioned above. Fast, effective and cost-efficient. In addition, there is of course the classic processing of wood - beams, firewood and other cuts in wood are carried out quickly and precisely. Send your foxtail into the retirement it deserves!

MPS has different saw blades for different applications: chrome-vanadium for wood and plastics, bimetal for metal and metals / nails embedded in wood, as well as hard metal for abrasive materials such as aerated concrete, carbon fibers and other challenges. 4096-1

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