Halder Dreamteam Interior Work Secural + Simplex ALU

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Halder Dreamteam Interior Work Secural  30x40mm+ Simplex ALU 40mm

SIMPLEX mjuk hammare
med hus i aluminium och handtag i trä

EH 3117.040

The SIMPLEX series 3117 is available with the insert combination of TPE-soft / superplastic.

The blue TPE-soft insert (series 3201) is the softest insert of the SIMPLEX line and offers strong impact cushioning for work requiring a light touch. Unlike conventional rubber mallets, it does not leave behind any undesired black marring.

The superplastic insert (series 3207) allows for a more powerful impact force than the rubber insert. It is a medium hard plastic insert made of extruded and extremely homogeneous material. Compared to injection moulded plastic inserts, it is therefore considerably more wear-resistant and durable.

The extra light aluminium housing with built-in handle protection sleeve allows the user to easily apply and control the right amount of impact force. This makes it a cinch to process materials that break easily. It also makes the soft-face mallet a tool with minimum weight that is easy to carry along.

Damping vibrations and shaped ergonomically, the high-quality wooden handle has a double coat of varnish in the grip area and is thus resistant to dirt.

In line with the smart SIMPLEX principle, all components are replaceable and can be retrofitted. This translates to savings in both money and resources.

This version is available in sizes ranging from D30mm to D60mm.

Product features

SIMPLEX soft-face mallet with the insert combination of TPE-soft (blue, soft, no marring) / superplastic (white, medium hard, very durable).

  • The extra light aluminium housing with built-in handle protection sleeve allows the user to easily apply and control the right amount of impact force (ideal of work on materials that break easily).
  • High-quality, vibration-damping, and ergonomically shaped wooden handle; grip area with double coat of varnish (resistant to dirt).
  • All parts can be replaced / retrofitted, resulting in great savings in cost and resources.
  • Available in sizes of D30mm to D60mm.


Positionering och justering av lätta / känsliga arbetsstycken, finsnickerier, prototyper, dörrkonstruktioner, möbelmontering 


brytsäkert huvud och handtag i ett stycke av stål, rektangulärt slag

EH 3380.040

The SECURAL mallet is a true specialist for corners and edges thanks to its rectangular inserts.

Made of polyurethane, the medium hard inserts are replaceable.

Perfectly balanced, the ratio of hammer head mass to shot mass in combination with the cushioning properties of the impact surfaces guarantees maximum rebound dampening. This allows the user to work with reduced strain on the joints while still applying extremely high impact forces.

Welded in longitudinal direction, the housing provides for a perfectly break-proof connection between hammer head and handle.

This product is available in two sizes: 680g and 1,000g with impact surfaces measuring 30 x 40mm and 35 x 45mm, respectively.

Product features:

  • Replaceable, rectangular, and medium hard inserts made of polyurethane.
  • Allows for noise-dampening and completely non-rebound work.
  • Extremely high impact force at low weight.
  • Perfectly break-proof connection between hammer head and handle thanks to the longitudinal welds of the housing.
  • Available in two sizes: 680g and 1,000g with impact surfaces measuring 30 x 40mm and 35 x 45mm, respectively.


Parkett och laminat golvläggning, fönster och dörrkonstruktioner, gipskonstruktion, montering av möbler, snickeriarbete, plåtbearbetning, positionering och justering av arbetsstycken, husmontering, montering och reparationsarbeten i fordons- och lastbilssektor, underhåll / reparation

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